Hey there! I thought the easiest way to show some quick, easily digestible elements of my PR & Marketing Samples would be to actually organize them in a blog post.
"Hey, what is LESS Productions?" - answered from the PR / Marketing perspective
- LESS is how I, Tom Kondilas, use blogs, social media sites & email to bring my productions to their audience and partners.
- The PolyCultures Blog is the principal resource LESS Productions uses to communicate to the public about its largest endeavor a feature-length documentary called, PolyCultures: Food Where We Live (imdb link). These communications range from video clips to press and legal material, all of which have been uniquely created and are accessible within one link.
- An abbreviated press release (about the movie)
- A full-length press release
- An explanation of the distribution-to-date
- A link to by a DVD for Home-Use or Public-Use and the applicable license (download).
- Clips/Trailers of the movie on YouTube
- Photos & Art for distribution
- Blog posts and updates
- Creatively re-imagining YouTube as a social networking site more than just a video server, allowed LESS to create a full marketing campaign for Alcohol Killer USA. This campaign required official rules, legal preparation and daily communication with contestants. It also produced a viral video for AK.
- YouTube video invitation to contest
- Official Rules Draft (sorry about the draft, AK's site seems to be down and this was all I had)
- Forum moderation (read comments to above invitation)
- LESS Productions is also prone to sending out mass emails to a list of people who have signed up to get information and updates from time to time (image to right).

- I also use traditional methods of communication like print, broadcast and speaking in front of an audience to create a lasting impression and help solidify my message.
- As a journalist I have written all types of articles that range from hard news to charts and graphs for publications like Cleveland Magazine.
- I am an AFTRA actor which helped me speak comfortably about PolyCultures during this episode of WVIZ's Applause. I have also been interviewed and been a spokesperson for PolyCultures on radio interviews and for print publications.
- I have also organized a series of community screenings from around the nation for PolyCultures. I have spoken in front of audiences from Milwaukee and St. Louis to Cleveland and Columbus.
- I also use a team of freelancers and a network of collaborators to help me get things done. By linking to each other we are able to strengthen each others' brands and the sense of community.